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  Headteachers, Teachers and Governers - Keypoints  

Sharing the Sunday Gospel with families through primary schools and enriching the Home, School & Parish partnership.


Jesus Christ

The Wednesday Word Sunday scripture & prayer resource is unique. It:

  • complements and supports the RE already provided in schools, and has minimal impact on school administration - implementation and distribution are simple

  • aims to contribute to drawing families more closely to God and to each other and creating a new form of relationship between the Church and what statistics tell us often more than 80% of all school parents who do not currently appear to be practising or enquiring about the Catholic faith

  • promotes, upholds and enhances the Catholic ethos of Catholic schools.

  • regularly shares the Gospel with all school parents, regardless of any professed faith or lack of it, whilst also acting as a regular, gentle, indirect invitation to the Church throughout the time that the family is connected to the school

  • is an effective starting point that helps avoid awkwardness in the many families where the tradition of coming together in prayer and reflection appear to have lapsed or never existed. The Wednesday Word aims to help all school families to develop Christ-centred relationships in the home - a proven way of reducing family breakdown

  • is based on the parable of the Sower and the Seed.

  • is a catholic outreach for our time which aims to share the Gospel to bring Glory to God, but needs your support. Will you help to share The Wednesday Word?




"Imagine a sower going out to sow. Some seeds fell on rich soil and produced their crop, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty."

Matt 13:3 & 8