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Sharing the Sunday Gospel with families through primary schools and enriching the Home, School & Parish partnership.

Useful Links

Introducing the New Testament

Catholic Education Service - Education Sunday 2019
On Sunday 8th of September 2019, schools and parishes across England and Wales will be celebrating Education Sunday. Falling at the beginning of the new term, the Mass is a chance to give thanks for the year past and look forward to the year to come. The theme for this years’ Education Sunday is ‘form and flourish’, in recognition of the role that education plays in helping people to reach their full potential. This year, The Wednesday Word and The Catholic Education Service have created resources to help your family, school or parish mark the occasion.

Bible Alive

Mission Together
Mission Together encourages children worldwide to care about mission through prayer, learning activities, and fundraising. Its unique motto is 'children helping children’. Visit the website for free primary school and parish resources.

Introducing the New Testament

Introducing the New Testament
Henry Wansbrough OSB is a Benedictine Monk of Ampleforth Abbey, and former Master of St Benet's Hall, Oxford. He served on the Pontifical Biblical Commission under Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Currently, Fr Henry is Alexander Jones Professor of Biblical Studies at Liverpool Hope University, UK. His recent publications include The Use and Abuse of the Bible (Continuum 2010) and The Sunday Word (Burns & Oates 2011).

Please click here for details of Fr Henry Wansbrough's latest publication: Introducing the New Testament

The Society of Saint Gregory (SSG)

Society of St Gregory
Founded in 1929, the Society of St Gregory is the national society for liturgy and music in the Catholic Church in the British Isles.

It seeks, particularly in parishes and schools, to promote:

  • good practice in the celebration of the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church
  • the study and understanding of the liturgy of the Church
  • the use of music in the Liturgy
  • good formation of ministers of the Liturgy.

The Society publishes a range of resources to support this work – including Music and Liturgy, published 3 times a year, and a range of web-based resources.

Apostleship of the seaThe Apostleship of the Sea (AoS) is a registered charity and agency of the Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of England & Wales and Scotland. More than 90% of the goods sold on our high street arrive by ships and more than 100,000 ships visit British ports each year. However the life of a modern seafarer can be dangerous and lonely, with harsh working conditions. AoS provides pastoral and practical assistance to all seafarers. We are wholly reliant on voluntary donations and legacies to continue our work. Visit our website to learn more about SEA SUNDAY and see how you can help a seafarer.
This is an excellent new venture produced jointly by the Archdiocesan Vicariate for Evangelisation and St Cuthbert’s Catholic Community College in St Helens, Liverpool. For each Sunday of Advent and Lent there is a reflective and prayerful version of the Gospel which can be used at home, school or church. It also enables you to download the Gospel onto an iphone, mp3 or mp4 player so that it can be carried round and looked at during the week.

The Catholic Catechism

The Catholic Catechism


The World Seen From Rome


Catholic world news

Catholic world news

Holy See (The Vatican)

Holy See (The Vatican)
For daily online meditations based on the readings of the Mass, please see:
sacred space
For ‘free’ web based daily reflections on the readings of the daily and Sunday Mass, please see:
sacred space - living space


The Catholic Printing Company

Please Be Careful
Despite our best efforts to screen and review our links, it's obviously not possible for us to be responsible for the contents or changes in content or questionable links on other websites. Whilst we seek to ensure that all links are faithful to Catholic teaching, we distance ourselves from any that are not. Please notify us if, unknowingly, we are promoting any material which does not support Catholic teaching. May Our Lord bless and guide your searches.






"Imagine a sower going out to sow. Some seeds fell on rich soil and produced their crop, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty."

Matt 13:3 & 8